Padova Buses
Padova Bus station is located in Italy. From Padova you can travel by bus to and from following destinations
Location Map of Padova Bus Station
Here is a location map of the bus station - you can enlarge the map and right click on it to save the map image:
Padova bus station address and GPS coordinates
Address: Piazzale Stazione, 14 35131 Padova PD, ItalyGPS location coordinates: 45°25'2.3"N 11°52'47.8"E
Buses from Padova
Alternative bus stations to Padova
Here is the list of the alternative (nearest) bus stations to check any other ferry connection that suits your travel plan:- Venice (Venezia) Bus Station, Ponte della Liberta, 1967 30135 Venezia, Italy (34 km)
- Venice Airport Bus Station, Venice - Aeroporto Marco Polo 30100 Venezia, Italy (37 km)
- Bologna Bus Station, Bologna, Italy (110 km)
- Udine Bus Station, Autostazione di Udine Viale Europa Unita, 35/8, 33100 Udine UD, Italy (127 km)
- Umag Bus Station, Autobusni kolodvor Umag 52470, Umag, Croatia (129 km)
Book Hotels near Padova Bus Station
Nearest ferry ports to Padova Bus Station:
- Venice (Venezia) on italy, Italy
- Umag on mainland, Croatia
- Piran on slovenia, Slovenia