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Bus from Otric-Seoci to Ploce

Connects bus station Otric-Seoci on the mainland, Croatia with bus station Ploce on the mainland, Croatia.
See also return route for Bus from Ploce to Otric-Seoci

Timetables for bus from Otric-Seoci to Ploce

Bus route 133 run by Croatia Bus, Zagreb
Monday to Sunday14:1514:30
Bus route 141 run by Croatia Bus, Zagreb
Monday to Sunday17:3017:50
Bus route 134 run by Croatia Bus, Zagreb
Monday to Sunday22:1522:30

Map of bus route between Otric-Seoci and Ploce

Here is a bus ride map - Right click on it to save the map image:

Book Accommodation near Otric-Seoci and Ploce Bus Stations

Bus Ticket Prices

For other bus ticket prices, search in the search box
Double check timings and prices in the search box
Please note: The bus company reserves the right to alter bus departure/return times and prices. While every care has been taken to ensure accuracy of the compilation of bus timetables/ schedules and prices on this website, it is recommended that you check all schedules / timetables with specific bus company