Novigrad Buses
Novigrad Bus station is located in Croatia. From Novigrad you can travel by bus to and from following destinations
Location Map of Novigrad Bus Station
Here is a location map of the bus station - you can enlarge the map and right click on it to save the map image:
Novigrad bus station address and GPS coordinates
Address: Autobusni kolodvor Novigrad 52466, Novigrad, CroatiaGPS location coordinates: 45°19'9.2"N 13°34'3.2"E
Buses from Novigrad
Buses to Novigrad
Alternative bus stations to Novigrad
Here is the list of the alternative (nearest) bus stations to check any other ferry connection that suits your travel plan:- Porec Bus Station, Porec Autobusni kolodvor 52440, Porec,Croatia (11 km)
- Buje Bus Station, Autobusni kolodvor Buje 52420, Buje, Croatia (12 km)
- Umag Bus Station, Autobusni kolodvor Umag 52470, Umag, Croatia (13 km)
- Vrsar Bus Station, Autobusna stanica Vrsar, 52450, Vrsar, Croatia - Bus and Coach Station (19 km)
- Rovinjsko Selo Bus Station, Autobusna Stanica rovinjsko Selo, 52210, Rovinjsko Selo, Croatia (26 km)
Book Hotels near Novigrad Bus Station
Nearest ferry ports to Novigrad Bus Station:
- Porec on mainland, Croatia
- Umag on mainland, Croatia
- Piran on slovenia, Slovenia