Bus from Cetinje to Trebinje
Connects bus station Cetinje on the mainland, Montenegro with bus station Trebinje on the mainland, Bosnia and Herzegovina.See also return route for Bus from Trebinje to Cetinje
Timetables for bus from Cetinje to Trebinje
Bus route 184 run by Globtour Medjugorje
Days | Departure | Arrival |
Monday to Sunday | 12:20 | 15:45 | 23:20 | 02:45 |
Map of bus route between Cetinje and Trebinje
Here is a bus ride map - Right click on it to save the map image:
Bus Ticket Prices
For other bus ticket prices, search in the search box
Double check timings and prices in the search box
Please note: The bus company reserves the right to alter bus departure/return times and prices. While every care has been taken to ensure accuracy of the compilation of bus timetables/ schedules and prices on this website, it is recommended that you check all schedules / timetables with specific bus company